Employees represent 20% or more of retail shareholders. Candor equips public companies with powerful capital markets controls for employee stock.
Employees can represent 20% or more of the retail shareholder base — Candor helps employees focus on the long-term and invest responsibly.
are executives
the remaining are retail shareholders
are employees
Governance suite tracking all insiders
Live-updating case law controls
SEC form filing automation
Control insider shares at any brokerage
Broad base 10b5-1
Statistical risk modeling
Provide employees access to financial planning, education and
tax planning — to help employees become better long-term investors
Offer affirmative defense to every employee, regardless of rank.
Full tax support for vesting, IPOs and
liquidations — complete with TurboTax integration.
Automated tax optimizations, helping employees increase take home pay
400+ articles, courses and videos to help everyone feel confident.