Sell RSUs at your target price

Automatically sell your RSUs when your target price is reached. No trading windows.

All investing involves risk. Your target price may never be reached. Results will depend on your individual factors and circumstances, including your personal investment decision-making.
Sell RSUs at your target price
Avoid trading windowsDollar cost averagingReal-time monitoringAutomated tradingEfficient, gradual tradesTax-efficient reinvestmentAvoid trading windowsDollar cost averagingReal-time monitoringAutomated tradingEfficient, gradual tradesTax-efficient reinvestment

Set your target price

Review analyst reports and ratings from Morgan Stanley, Barclays, JP Morgan and others to set an ideal sell price for your RSUs.

More chances to sell

No more trading windows — start selling immediately when the price is right.

More opportunities to sell

Real-time monitoring

Get notified any time your target price is reached — and real time alerts when your shares are sold or reinvested.

More opportunities to sell

Better than trading on your own

No more trading windows

Sell immediately when the price is right — no more missed opportunities

Efficient, gradual trades

Spread out trades to get the best average price over time

Tax-efficient reinvestment

Re-invest proceeds in an institutional-grade portfolio

Get early access

Get started with as little as one share

Works even if you haven't vested yet
Get started
Your 125 shares have been sold at $12,510

Frequent questions

Trading plans
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How does Candor work?

Candor helps you use a trading algorithm to manage your RSUs. With Candor, you can automatically time trades to save on taxes, reduce losses and earn more per share.

The first step is to see what we recommend for your specific situation. Get your recommendations here.

After that, you'll have a chance to access the dashboard and fine tune your settings. If you have any questions, email or use the chat feature on your dashboard.

How much does it cost?

What about trading windows?

What's a 10b5-1 plan?

Does my company need to approve me using Candor?

Who is Candor?

Is Candor a fiduciary?